Thursday, February 28, 2013

Examiner Fashions on the Field

You may remember I entered Fashions on the Field a few weeks ago. Yesterday I braved the torrential rain to compete in The Examiner's FOTF in Launceston. During the Men's heats the rain started as a trickle until eventually it was bucketing down. The Ladies Classic heats had to be held in the tent, over 100 women tried to parade around looking glamourous as we all tried not to sink into the muddy grass. It cleared up for the preliminary and the final thank goodness, although the runway was still pretty damp!

I was thrilled to make it through to Final Round, from 100 entrants to the Top 6. Although I didn't win, there is actually a People's Choice Award (I am Slide 19 in Gallery 3). 

I would be so thrilled if my lovely readers would take a quick minute to vote for me here. I was entrant number 252.
Being interviewed for Southern Cross. This reporter was SO lovely, here she is admiring my YSL ring.
This is me trying not to fall over in a puddle that had formed on the runway
This is me SUPER excited that I didn't fall
The Final 6 before the announcement
All images via Mamma Worsley from underneath her purple umbrella

1 comment:

  1. Love love how you wore that gorgeous color blue and adorable hat!

    -Lauren at adorn la femme
