Wednesday, October 1, 2014


My current obsession...Banks. I love her. I discovered her music a few months back and eagerly anticipated her album Goddess (I pre-ordered it, woke up to it already downloaded and it was like a know, that I'd paid for). At the time that it arrived I had a little bit of hate in my heart for someone, and let me tell you, this was the perfect soundtrack. We are talking lyrics like 'Before I ever met you, I never knew I could be broken in so many ways', 'My words can come out like a pistol and I'm no good at aiming, but I can aim them at you' and 'I'm the one who had to learn to build a heart made of armor'.  

Her style, like her lyrics, is a bit dark and brooding. It's the killer suits and graphic liner in the Drowning clip, the lace and dark lip from Beggin for Thread, her general fondness for dramatic black...she's a woman after my own heart. I mean, I came home with 5 new items of clothing today and every single one of them is black. I even had a little chat to myself in Zara when I picked up a coloured top...I won't bore you with the details of the inner monologue, but essentially it was 'get your shit together, that thing is gonna sit at the back of your wardrobe until you're Mary Berry's age and have a sudden love for citrus colours'.

Given her sartorial kudos, it's no surprise Banks was chosen by the lovely people at Coach to be one of the faces of their new campaign. Definitely the one to watch.
Images via Banks and tumblr

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